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What is Korfball?

What is Korfball?


If you join the club, you will be asked this question by everyone for the rest of your life. This is the quick answer we give all of our friends:


     "Korfball is a Dutch version of Basketballbut has similiarities to both English Basketball and Netball. 

      It is a mixed sport, with four guys and four girls on each team, and is non-contact."

The Match


The match is one hour long and is split into two halves. Each team has the opportunity for a one minute timeout.

The Teams


Each team has four boys and four girls. Since the court is split into two sections, there must be two boys & two girls in each half.


You will either be in the defending half or the attacking half, but once two goals are scored, you switch ends and then become the opposite role. This allows for more development of all-round skills.


In Korfball, although it is mixed, you can only mark members of the same sex.

The Shooting Rules


The main difference between Korfball and other sports is that to take a shot at the hoop, you have to escape your defender.


If your defender is within arms reach of you and is actively trying to blcok the shot, the shot cannot be taken, otherwise the ball will be given to the defender regardless of the ball going through the hoop or not.

The Court



The Aim


The aim is to win! You achieve this by scoring throwing the ball through the opposition's hoop more time than they get it through yours.


There is no fancy point scoring system, simply one goal is one point for your team.

The Ball


When handling the ball, you can't dribble like you can in Basketball. You must remain in the same position until the ball has left your hands.


The ball cannot be snatched from someone else's grasp.

The Hoop


The hoop is 3.5m tall. If you can't visualise that, it is extremely high. There is no chance of slam dunking in Korfball.

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