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Our Committee

Fundraising Sec







Katie Monnickendam

Publicity Sec 







     Sam Chumbley

Social Sec







       Martin Munro

Stash & Equip Sec 







Naveen Kumararatne

Fixtures Sec 







Vivien Mear 








     Tom Wallington











Alicia Drew

"I started playing before I came to uni but the brilliant thing about Korfball is that most people who join are complete beginners. If you want to take up something new, a sport which is fast paced, immense fun and the only truly mixed sex sport in the world then come and try out Korfball!"











Harry Ravi

Vice Captain










John Humphreys

"I was new to korfball at uni and am living proof that anyone can play! The club has a great social aspect, with themed nights out, intra-mural sports teams, games nights and more! If you want to play in a match, then we have frequent friendly matches, as well as Local League matches and Tournaments (inc. BUCS)."

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